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Palatine Wing Tsun

Kung Fu Academy

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Welcome to Palatine Wing Tsun™ Kung Fu Academy, a proud member of the Leung Ting Wing Tsun™ family (IWTA-NAS), one of the largest private martial arts organizations in the world. Wing Tsun™ is practiced by nearly 1,000,000 people in over 2,000 schools across 60+ countries.


Wing Tsun™ (often pronounced Wing Chun) is a modern self-defense system designed to be practical and effective for  men and women of all ages, shapes, sizes, and athletic abilities. Wing Tsun™ not only teaches its students cutting-edge personal defense skills, but also develops awareness, coordination, and confidence applicable to all areas of life.


Wing Tsun™ uses an intelligent training method used to reprogram your nervous system and make your movements "automatic."


Wing Tsun™ focuses on defeating opponents in the most direct methods possible by minimizing movements and maximizing efficiency.


Through a combination of physics, anatomy, and bio-mechanics, Wing Tsun™ provides students the techniques and strategy to defeat larger, stronger attackers in a highly effective manner.


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Meet The



The Leung Ting

Wing Tsun  System


Our school teaches an intelligent fighting system that can be used for self-preservation when faced with threatening circumstances that may be encountered in our modern society. As a student, you will learn physical and psychological skills necessary to help diffuse and prevent attacks that threaten your immediate safety or the safety of those around you.  


Through our comprehensive curriculum, Wing Tsun™ students develop the confidence and assertiveness to keep calm in high-pressure, real-life situations where quick decisions and reactions matter most. Our instructors will teach you how to de-escalate conflict and, if necessary, fight against stronger opponents. We emphasize the strength of working in harmony with your opponent's force and adapting to motion and pressure as it changes, so that a smaller person can defeat a bigger and stronger opponent.


The Leung Ting Wing Tsun™ system is taught by qualified instructors with specific methods that have been proven over decades. Through our practice, we not only develop physically, but our minds and spirits to grow, as well, in part due to philosophical ideas from Taoism and Buddhism that are embedded in our movements. Our students naturally develop:  fighting skills, flexibility, balance, and dexterity, as well as self-confidence, coordination, and stress management techniques.


We love what we do here, at Palatine Wing Tsun™, and are excited to share our passion with those who join us.

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Sihing Adam Patt 
Primary Level Technician, Certified Instructor












Adam grew up in the Chicagoland area and began training Tae Kwon Do at the age of 8 years old. One level shy of earning his black belt, Adam’s world-renowned instructor moved across country. Determined to continue his studies, Adam sought out other schools that might offer the same attention to detail, discipline, and dedication to the art as a way of life (both inside and outside of the dojang), but his search came up fruitless.  Rather than continue his pursuits in an environment absent of the benefits he most valued, Adam dedicated himself to other passions.


Twenty years had passed since Adam's last martial arts class when an unexpected and unavoidable alteration occurred while out with a friend.  Although nobody was injured in the altercation, it brought about the realization that confrontations cannot always be avoided, regardless of one’s best intentions; and even as a grown man, it is never too late to learn to protect your own well-being.  That incident sparked Adam’s desire to find a system that would allow a smaller person to stand a chance against larger attackers in real world situations.


A quick search for martial arts schools in the area led Adam to WingTsun™, an art Adam had been introduced to at a seminar decades earlier. Just one lesson, and he was hooked by the art’s sensible approach, efficiency, and promise for personal growth.


Adam began practicing religiously under Sifu Eric Galicia (WingTsun™ California) and continues under Sifu Guerman Atanassov. He has also had the privilege of studying with 5th Level Practitioner, Mike Adams, and 6th Level Practitioner, Will Parker, as well as training at the IWTA Headquarters in Hong Kong with Sifu Robin Tsang and GGM Leung Ting.


Adam hopes that by sharing the knowledge and skills he has acquired, he can help others find the same passion for the art of Wing Tsun that he possesses.




Sifu Jonathan Fox
Second Level Technician -, Certified Instructor













​​Sifu Jonathan is a Secondary Level Technician in the Leung Ting International Wing Tsun Association (IWTA) lineage, and an active member of the IWTA North American Section. He has attended nearly 800 classes, including numerous private lessons with his Sifu, Fourth Level Technician, Guerman Atanassov, and has received over 1600 hours of training. Jonathan has attended several seminars, black shirt, and instructor classes with Sifu Guerman, 5th Level Practitioner, Sifu Mike Adams, 6th Level Practitioner, William Parker, and he attended the 2017 seminar in San Antonio, Texas, instructed by Great Grand Master Leung Ting. In 2015, and again in 2018, Jonathan traveled to the ITWA Headquarters in Kong Kong, for training with Great Grand Master Sijo Leung Ting, 5th Level Practitioner, Sifu Robin Tsang and other Sifu, Technicians and Practitioners from Hong Kong and China. Previously to studying Wing Tsun, he studied Chuan Face Kung Fu.



Sifu Evgeny Kolev

Second Level Technician - Certified Instructor















Sifu Evgeny is a Second Level Technician in the Leung Ting International Wing Tsun Association (IWTA) lineage.  He began his Wing Tsun Training in December, 2013 with Sifu Guerman Atanasov. Evgeny has trained under Sifu Mike Adams, Will Parker, and has traveled to Hong Kong to train with Great Grand Master Leung Ting and his outstanding group of practitioners at the IWTA headquarters.  Evgeny joined Palaitne Wing Tsun in March, 2021 before earning his 2nd Technician Level in September of the same year.


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Student Grades

 Fundamental Training

During the first four grades, students will learn how to kick, punch, step, turn, and defend themselves against the most common forms of attack (punches, kicks, holds, strangle holds).


Student Grades

Tactile Reflex Development

Chi Sau (translated as “sticky hands”) is covered in detail during these student grades. Chi-sau is a reflex exercise which teaches the student how to use the opponent’s force against them with the least amount of effort.



Advanced Student Levels

In these advanced student levels, the practitioner is exposed to higher levels of chi-sau training and will work to develop advanced fighting skills.

Student Grades

How We Train

During class, students engage in the following methods of training:



Build muscle, tendon, and ligament strength and help establish the foundation upon which students build their skills, accuracy, and precision.



A form of free-fighting training to help students learn and apply the core principles of Wing Wing Tsun™.


Chi-Sau or "Sticky Hands" Training

Unique to this style of martial arts and vital to developing reflexes and muscle memory in order to use an attacker's own movements against them, naturally and without resistance.


Coordination and Reaction Drills

Test, enhance, and improve focus and build awareness, timing, and proficiency.

Class Schedule

7:00PM - 8:30PM


7:00PM - 8:30PM


9:30AM - 11:00AM

Palatine Wing Tsun


Kung Fu Academy

451 W Northwest Hwy (Inside Hart for Heart Personal Fitness)

Palatine, IL  60067


Tel: (320)-3-Kung-Fu  or (320) 358-6438


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